this faceless teddy bear I knitted back in May?! It took me a while, but I
finally finished his face! Yay! Turns out my face-embroidery skills are lacking so I decided to do a simple button-nose and ribbon mouth.

I used the pattern for the "flat ted" from Zoe Mellor's
Knitted Toys book. Great book, but not many instructions on finishing the toys. For example, not much was mentioned about how to sew up the seams or embroider the face for this project.

It feels good to finish a project that has been laying around staring me in the face, literally (only his eyes were on until today).

This knit teddy bear is going to be a Christmas present for the newest addition to my family, my nephew! He probably won't be able to play with it until he's a little older because of the button nose (choking hazard). But hopefully one day he'll enjoy dragging him around and playing with him!

"Merry Christmas!"
ahhh he looks lovely :)