My nephew decided to grace us with his presence a week early! Which is fine by me...and my sister too! Welcome little Noah. :) As I mentioned before, my sister and brother-in-law were keeping the sex of the baby a surprise, so up until now I've been sewing gender-neutral baby items. But once I heard the exciting news that they had a healthy, baby boy, I couldn't wait to sew something boy-ish.
I decided to make soft letters for his name - Noah. There are some great quick projects in Lotta's Simple Sewing for Baby book, and this was one of them.
I walked over the the fabric store this morning (it's both wonderful and dangerous having one in walking distance) and saw these adorable iron-on appliques. I quickly decided to add them to the soft letters to jazz them up a bit. And who loves jazzing things up? This girl does.

I'm so excited to meet Noah I can hardly stand it. Just 4 more months until I can see his sweet face!!
This project was linked to The Girl Creative's
Just Something I Whipped Up Monday