
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DIY washi tape garden markers

Along with my kitchen scrap garden, I'm growing a couple more herbs and some sunflowers (a red variety that I've never seen before!) from seeds in some indoor pots.  I needed a quick way to tell them apart and I figured that washi tape would work perfectly for these little garden makers. If you don't have any washi tape on hand, masking tape would work just as well...just not quite as cute. 

It's so simple that I didn't even write any directions to go along with the following photos.  If anything is confusing, by all means, let me know.

Happy gardening! 

Since these probably wouldn't hold up in an outside garden, you should be sure to check out Astrid's great outdoor garden markers.  And these vintage spoons turned into garden markers are pretty creative!


  1. I am soooo stealing this idea for the next bridal shower I have :) LOVE it!


    1. Glad you like it! :) I'd love to see some pics of how you used them at the shower!

  2. Totally perfect seed starter markers and now I am more anxious that ever to plant my tomato and pepper seeds. No more ugly old plastic garden pot markers for me! my seed trays are going to be stylin'!

    Thank you for sharing this simple idea.

  3. Your tutorial was featured over at And Sew We Craft recently. Thank you for submitting it to our directory :)

    You can find it here:

  4. Your markers are looking very cute. I m also using this idea for my little herb garden. And for vegetables and flowers plant I am using metal and copper garden markers. They are durable and weatherproof garden. I love these markers. Perfect for making a beautiful garden.
