
Friday, December 19, 2014

Scandinavian Christmas: Day 7

Welcome to Day 7, everyone! The series is flying by! Today my bestie, Jessica, will be sharing this adorable little gnome lovie! Perfect for any little baby or kid your in your life! Last year, Jessica shared this wonderful Danish heart cozie tutorial and when I went home we drank coffee out of our matching cozies. I can't wait to see her in just a few short days!

Hello! I'm happy to be back for Kathryn's Scandinavian Christmas Series! My name is Jessica, and I'm Kathryn's BFF. I am of Swedish descent. I chose to make a Gnome Lovie this year. My son is just over 1, and has really started to love his little stuffed animals and things. 

What I did was cut 2 pieces of white fleece into this shape:

Next, sew around the edges, leaving a small opening to turn it. Clip the corners, then turn right side out. Put some stuffing in the head part. Next, take some white floss and wrap it around the neck. Make sure it is really tight and knotted well - you don't want your little one to get a hold of any loose string! Then do the same for the corners of the lovie, making hands and feet. Use some floss to sew on a couple eyes. Put the knots on the back of the head, where the hat will go. Now take a triangle of red fleece, and sew the hat. Turn it right side out, and sew it onto the head by hand, using red floss. Now for the cheeks, I just used blush. If I end up making more of these, I will probably use fabric paint, as that will be a more permanent solution. 

My nephew, Stuart, likes it better than my son! He loves chewing on the hat =)

 Merry Christmas!!



  1. This is absolutely adorable and so clever!

  2. So darling, I wish I would have made something like that when my girls were small. Merry Christmas!
