
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weekday Dreaming

So you know those weeks where you totally had plans to go home from work, eat dinner, then get right to your long list of chores that you put off last weekend? Yeah, I was supposed to do that this week and I'll let you in on a little secret: it didn't happen. Unless wiping out on the couch and watching the rest of Harry Potter counts as doing chores, I definitely didn't get one productive thing done so far this week. Oops. 

I have to say though, I think I'm OK with that. Sometimes in life it's nice to just have a little break... and obsessively pin things on your Pinterest. Here's what's been in my Pinterest boards lately:

These decorated gingerbread Dala ornaments.

These adorable socks with those adorable Swedish clogs.

This super cute Scandinavian wrapping idea that I probably would never have the patience to actually do, but it's still cute to look at.

And last, but not least, these canisters. 

And that, my friends, has been my week so far in a nutshell. Not much, but it's been pretty great nonetheless. Hope your week is going well!

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