
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A little avocado tree

A few months back, after I ate a delicious avocado, I decided to look up how to grow an avocado tree from the pit. Lo and behold it was so simple (but it took quite a while...)! I used these instructions here which basically entails sticking toothpicks in the pit and keeping the bottom half submerged in water until the root starts to form. Some people seem to have luck with this happening in 2-3 weeks. Mine, however, took much longer - more like 2 months before the root really started to break through. But it was worth the wait!

After the root grew, I transplanted the pit to an outdoor pot. Then the growing really took off! It shot right up and leaves started sprouting!

And here it is today, much bigger and still growing!

While it will be years before any avocados will actually grow, it's really fun to watch the pit turn into a little tree. Keep it up little guy!

Hope you're having a lovely week!


  1. Brilliant! Well done :) I've always wondered if you can do this - may be tempted to give it a try too.

  2. I'm jealous! I tried to grow an avocado tree, but it never sprouted! Maybe I should have waited longer...

    1. I almost threw the pit out thinking it was a dud...but I'm glad I waited! Try it again! :)

  3. You will be wanting to start planning now for it's teen years! Our little baby is now 7' tall!!!

  4. I grew an avocado tree once. It was 3 feet high and I had placed it where it couldn't get any higher so my husband moved it and put it in the ground. The avocado tree didn't like where he put it and the tree died 2 days later. I was told that because I didn't turn it around every day so the sun could get all sides of the tree before the seed sprouts and after it sprouts it is to be turned every day. So when you grow the tree and someone moves it on you to plant it. The tree will not die it will grow into a beautiful tree and produce fruit after 5 years. That is what I will do next time. I live where it is hot Las Vegas, Nevada. I just thought every one should know before this happens to you. Happy Planting.
