
Friday, April 26, 2013

Fika Friday

One of my favorite fikas of the week consisted of this mess:

It was a non-traditional fika of sorts, but a fika nonetheless. Caryn (my older, wiser, and very helpful older sister), helped me get some crafting done for the Kingsburg Festival in just a few weeks! The table was covered with all sorts of crafting items, but we made room for our impromptu fika of Dr. Pepper and chips and salsa. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Thanks again for helping, Caryn!!

What did you do for your fika this week?

My fika rundown:

What: Dr. Pepper with chips and salsa
Where: My apartment, at the kitchen table
With: Caryn, myself, and a ton of crafting items
Best part: Enjoying a late-afternoon fika break from the crafting craziness


  1. OMG! I am giggling so hard. Dr. Pepper, chips and salsa!!! A little unorthodox wouldn't you say!

    for my Fika Friday - today - coffee and nut bars (still have some in the freezer left from the big Feb. cookie bake and they are delicious! Now i save them for Fika Fridays!!!

    1. Hahaha, yes Pam, it was quite unorthodox that's for sure!! :)

      Your fika sounds delicious! Happy Fika Friday to you!!
