
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1st Anniversary

Hello blogging world!  I hope you had a great weekend and a fantastic start to your week, it's already almost Wednesday - woo!

Ryan and I celebrated an entire year of marriage yesterday, wow!  This year has flown by.  It's quite hard to believe we've already been married for a year, but at the same time, it feels like we've been married for waaaaay longer.  I'm such a lucky gal to be married to such a wonderful fellow.

We celebrated by venturing over to the beautiful city of Palm Springs, California.  It was an epic weekend!  We did a little self-guided architectural tour, a sweet tram ride up a mountain, laying by the pool, brunch-eating, and had an all-out incredible time.

And since Monday was our actual anniversary day, we celebrated after work with some anniversary pie.  It was delicious.  We went to a little place close to where we lived (we walked) called Republic of Pie.  It's awesome and if you live in the LA area you should definitely check it out!

Not to end on a total bummer or anything, but as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been in quite the blogging slump these days.  I've decided to take a short summer hiatus from the blogging world.  I'll still check in frequently with a random photo or useless piece of information, but until August I will be living up summer here in SoCal!

Happy summer vacation!!!


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! Enjoy your blogging break - hope to see you back in the Fall.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been a year either. Are you sure you two aren't jumping the gun?

    Republic of Pie! Sounds like my kind of place! I hope they come to Portland!

    I think half the blogiverse is taking a summer off! You will be missed - I will look forward to your return!
    Happy summer you two. Have lots of adventures.
