
Friday, December 9, 2011

Baked goods...

Ryan gave me Deceptively Delicous by Jessica Seinfeild for my birthday last week and ever since I've been testing out a few of the recipes. The cookbook is all about incorporating veggie purees into items that usually don't contain them to make them a little more nutritious. It still doesn't really make a pan of brownies healthy just because you add 1/2 cup of veggie puree, but it's still fun to add some in and see if you can tell.

The second recipe I tried were these oatmeal blueberry bars (with spinach!) and I thought they turned out great! You can't taste the pureed spinach at all in the filling, which is 1 cup low-sugar blueberry preserves (I actually used a mix of my homemade raspberry jam and IKEA lingonberries...) and 1/2 cup pureed spinach. Even Ryan couldn't taste it and that means it's a winner.

But....the first recipe I tried definitely had remnants of vegetable taste in the spice bread. It's official name was gingerbread spice cake, but we call it broccoli bread. The 1 cup of broccoli puree with 1/2 cup carrot puree really stand out and overpower the bread so it doesn't taste very gingerbread-y at all. It actually tasted less like broccoli when it was fresh out of the oven, but once cooled....eek.

It looks pretty though!
It's been fun pureeing veggies into baked goods, now I need to try some of the non-baked recipes in the book.

1 comment:

  1. Broccoli Bread?! Hahahahah! These things do happen! Zucchini "Mock Apple Pie" - only good if you really like the taste of zucchini!

    But I love that you are trying out so many new ideas in the kitchen. Ryan is a lucky man indeed! And you have had way more hits than "not so hits"!

    Looking forward to what you try next! :-)
