
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Visitors and Chili Peppers

I can't begin to describe how wonderful it was to have Alisha visit Japan.
It was just that, wonderful!
We came up with some fantastic crafting ideas that we worked on last weekend. I love being so excited about a project that you think about it throughout the day. Here was our to-do list of things to make:
  • garlands. really, super-cute garlands
  • journal covers/book covers
  • washi tape experiments
  • the cutest fabric acorns you've ever laid eyes on

We ended up only having time to make the garlands and attempt the book cover. Between traveling to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and Oyama we were pretty busy. We did manage to squeeze in a couple trips to the fabric store while she was here. We both scored some cute, very Japanese, fabrics. I'll post pictures of the said fabric soon.

Tutorial coming soon for the garland!

1 comment:

  1. YES. love this post. and the garland. i need to get fabric this weekend and start working on one :)
