
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fabrics and such

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently residing in Japan. I've been here for just about 3 months now and have been overwhelmed by the amount of crafting cuteness around here. Amazing fabric, yarn, ribbons, buttons and even various types of moldable plastics to model your own plastic food (apparently a favorite craft of many people here). Needless to say, I'm loving it here. I've already started a rather large collection of fabric and yarn, even though I don't know quite what I'll do with them yet. Here are just a few (of the many) samples that I bought already:

The kids' fabrics are especially precious. I have one adorable neice (who just turned 5!) and one more neice or nephew on the way. I'm planning on using much of the kids' fabric I've acquired here making things for them. I'm looking forward to trying these cute reversible baby booties and this super cute shirt-dress. I might even try making one of those shirt-dresses in my size...we'll see.

Today, I'm off to see the wisteria blossoms in Ashikaga. I hope they're still in full bloom!

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